
Stephanie Alexander

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Stephanie Alexander AO is regarded as one of Australia’s great food educators.

Her reputation has been earned through her thirty years as an owner-chef in several restaurants, as the author of 15 influential books and hundreds of articles about food matters, and for her groundbreaking work in creating the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation.

Stephanie’s fifth book, The Cook’s Companion is regarded as an Australian classic, and has sold 500,000 copies. In 2013 this monumental work, in response to the new technology, appeared as an easy-to-use digital App.

“Sharing food and wine with family and friends is very important to me. Brushing past scented leaves in a garden, looking over a vineyard with the vines glowing gold in autumn sunshine, picking parsley outside the back door, pulling a cork from a bottle of wine, cutting into a ripe cheese, appreciating a wonderful apple, setting out a picnic on a bush table, debating the questions of the universe over a fine wine… all these things seem to me to confirm our humanity and to make me want to live for another day, another meal. In the end, I still believe there is no greater joy than sharing food, conversation and laughter around a table.”

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